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God in our Workplace

Writer's picture: Preethy KurianPreethy Kurian

Is. 1:11-17 God desires no sacrifices from people who practice oppression and injustice.

The integration of worship and work is a powerful message found throughout the book of Isaiah. God desires us to bring him into our daily lives, not just our time-to-time worship lives. In Isaiah 1:11-17, God clarifies that he does not appreciate sacrifices from those who practice oppression and injustice in the workplace. He calls upon us to treat people with integrity and respect no matter where or what we do. This is a powerful reminder to us that we are called to live our lives honouring God and respecting others.

Our faith should be integral to everything we do, from the most mundane tasks to our most ambitious goals. Acknowledging God as an active part of our lives can transform how we approach our work and give us greater insight into our purpose and mission. We can also better understand how God's laws and principles shape our daily activities and can help guide us in wise decisions. Ultimately, we are to be faithful witnesses for Christ in the workplace. In that case, we must prioritize living out our faith daily. God calls us to bring our worship and work into harmony so that we may be faithful stewards of all he has given us.

He requests us to alter our hearts and lead a life of faithfulness and respectability in our places of work on all days, not merely Sundays. God reminds us that if we know his Law and love him, we will not mistreat others or use them for our own gain. Loving and taking care of people around us is crucial.

Greek and Hebrew thinking are two distinct schools of thought that have formed the development of Western culture, as well as translations of the Bible. The cornerstone of Greek thinking is an analytical approach that seeks to categorize and compartmentalize elements of life into separate boxes, believing that the natural and supernatural are entirely different realms. This school of thought places its worth on accumulations of money, material possessions, and power.

In contrast, Hebrew thinking melds everything together, blurring the boundaries between natural and supernatural. This approach views people differently, with worth derived from talent, giftings and relationships -- especially family ties, people and community.

This stark difference has significantly affected how we view the world today. It is essential to understand God's approach to His role in our workplaces to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible.

The Bible has numerous examples of God communicating his desires for people to live according to a Hebrew mindset that honours Him and respects others. One such example is the book of Isaiah, where God speaks through Hezekiah and calls upon him to trust in Him and be rewarded.

The prophet Isaiah also tells us the story of two kings, Ahaz and Hezekiah, whose decisions highlighted the importance of trusting God in the workplace. Ahaz refused to trust God and instead turned to an alliance with Assyria. On the other hand, Hezekiah chose to believe in God, and his faith was rewarded with miraculous deliverance from the Assyrian attack. This story is a powerful reminder that no matter how challenging our circumstances may be, we can trust in God for comfort and salvation if we turn to him for help. We can also be sure that God will never forsake us and that even when we feel discouraged or overwhelmed, our faithfulness to him will bring peace and justice in time. Whatever our job may entail, trusting in God brings us hope and strength as we go about our daily tasks.

The stories of both Ahaz and Hezekiah remind us of the importance of striving for integration between worship and work. God desires us to bring him into our work lives, no matter what we are doing or how mundane it may seem. We must honour God through our choices in the workplace so that he can be glorified through our words and actions. May we all strive to bring our faith and work into harmony with each other to experience true joy and fulfilment as followers of Christ. By living a life of faith, we declare that God can use our work for his greater purpose. Isaiah reminds us that through trusting in God's promises, He will provide comfort and salvation.

May we all strive to honour God through our work so that he can be glorified in every aspect of our lives. Ultimately, this is the best way for us to experience true joy and fulfilment as a witness of Christ in the workplace. Amen.

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